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LDH Levels

A myMPNteam Member asked a question 💭

Went to oncologist appt today. Platelets have lowered to 751. Dr. prescribed hydroxyurea 3 times weekly. Concerned with my LDH level that has risen to 449. Has anyone else LDH level been a concern or even discussed?

August 25, 2021
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A myMPNteam Member

LDH levels are one of the first labs ordered, post the CBC, along with the FISH panel, etc when an MPN is suspected. Once all those labs come in and CLL, AML, etc are ruled out, a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration are obtained to properly diagnose which MPN you have. It’s a heck of a roller coaster! My LDH levels are always very high; yours will probably be as well because, high LDH levels indicate diseased tissue (cancer).

February 16, 2022
A myMPNteam Member

Alcapella - Has your LDH gone down? As I said earlier I had been at 1,450 and stayed high for quite a while. After taking Jakafi for a while it lowered at one point to under 700 - it has been in a range for a while within 200 points or so. I have noticed a correlation though that when I have increasing inflammation and pain my LDH increases. I see the doc every month and have blood done every month, I think in part at least because of the meds, the blood must be monitored - It is at the point now when I see the Docs, I tell them I can bet where the LDH is based on what my body is telling me. Also I believe it can be a useful tool to let you know what is working and what is not - diet, meds , exercise etc

August 4, 2023
A myMPNteam Member

Thanks for the advice and info Rick. My LDH is 1400. Initially I did not know what it was. I'm staying on top of it.

March 11, 2023
A myMPNteam Member

I have heard that high LDH is a concern that your cancer may be active. I am always reassured when mine are not too high - forget number but I think about 250 - and think that yours are just one more thing the Drs. look at to make sure your disease is not progressing. It is interesting how numbers go up and down - I think the Drs. look at trends more than 1 number. I have not heard any relationship to COVID or vaccines. I have had Covid twice and 4 vaccines now and still don't have high LDH.

October 5, 2022
A myMPNteam Member

My levels have risen as well, I really think it’s due to the vaccine. I have had many changes in health since then . I still have antibodies so am not getting a booster until they straighten this mess out. Many people in Isrial having heart and other issues

October 24, 2021

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Cairo, GA

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A myMPNteam Member asked a question 💭

Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)

A myMPNteam Member asked a question 💭
Saint Louis, MO
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