Has Anyone Used A Grandchild’s Stored Cord Blood For A Stem Cell Transplant For ET?
My son and DIL plan on having another child and I was looking into storing the cord blood in the case I would need a stem cell transplant in the future.
I stored my sons who is 13. I wish I had known about it so I could have done it with my other two kids. I personally want to leave it for them in the event they ever need it so I will not use it but if I had all 3 of them then maybe. I have friends who have tested to donate stem cells, platelets, etc. for me but I am just not wanting to do any of that anymore. I am tired of being sick and fighting from the meds that I just want to focus on each day and do what I can and whatever happens, I am ok with that.
I first have to have a grandchild, but I pray with Pegasys I won’t get to that point 🙏💕
I heard if it 🤔 but not researched any of it
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