Itching All Over
That's at least two of us who find that a very hot shower provides relief. My itching comes and goes for no apparent reasons. Presently, scalp itching and pain are getting the focus. My dermatologist prescribes a medicated shampoo which I have been using for a year with only a little relief. She has no answer for the scalp pain over a large area. Body itching interferes with my sleep occasionally, but I believe that the diphenhydramine I take at bedtime helps.
Itching can be such an agonizing thing. Sometimes I’m glad that I spend most of my time in my house, and If not, I think about what an embarrassing development it would be to be out in public and suddenly have the tormenting itch begin. Then what? Dash for the restroom, I guess. I have had PV and ET for only three years, and it is becoming more of an issue now more than any other symptom. My scalp began showing symptoms about a year ago where it actually hurts, and then itches unbearably even though clean. My dermatologist prescribes Ciclopirox Shampoo which helps a lot. For bathing, I use only Aveeno Stress Relief Body Wash. Strangely, when I am itching badly, the only thing that reliefs it in the shower is to get the water as hot as I can stand it, which stops the itch (as opposed to most people whose problem is exacerbated by the water). The itching seems worse whenever I am changing clothes and especially at bedtime. I do find that a wooden back scratcher really helps a lot. If it is REALLY bad, I apply some Benadryl cream to the particular zone that is affected at the time. I appreciated reading how you handle the problem, Ben. By the way, others use Zyrtec as recommended by many health professionals, but it doesn’t seem to be effective in my case.
Hot…very hot shower gives me temporary relief and it feels soooo good.. My itching is mainly AT NIGHT. During the day, i keep distraction for relief. Not sure what causes the miserable itch….but it is miserable and disrupts my sleep
Thank you, Ben. Have a great weekend!! All others on the team, as well.
I hear you, Ben!! That back scratcher keeps me sane. Too bad it isn’t COUTH in public, however. 🤫
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Does Anyone Else Get Itchy Skin Through The Day
Itching All Over