Hematocrit Level
What cut off level does your Dr. want to keep your hematocrit at before having a phlebotomy? My physician insists it is 45 & no lower. Just curious other oncologist's level for phlebotomies.
I originally went to the MPN specialist at MSK for a second opinion. But I read that a lot of people have both a hematologist/oncologist and an MPN specialist. So now I see my hematologist every three months w a blood test or two in between. Then I also see the MPN specialist every four months or so. Where do you live?
i told my doctor i feel better around 41-42 and they agreed to that number for me …
My onocologist does 45 for men and 42 for women.
Basha Thanks. My Dr. who I am seeing while mine is on a sabbatical, said she is good with keeping it at around 43. I told her I'd like to be pro-active before I run into a blood clot problem. She said was open to that & that level would be satisfactory because it's still in range for a female.
My previous Doc said 45+ was the cutoff. My new Doc at first said 45 but I told her I feel better around 41/42 she said fine .
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