The Connection Between The Use Of Round-Up And MPNs?
Has anyone looked into the class action lawsuits that are currently happening around the country regarding the use of the chemical herbicide Round-Up? There is supposedly a connection between use of that product and various forms lymphoma/leukemia and other blood cancers. Since MPNs are considered blood cancers, I was wondering if this lawsuit also included people with ET, PV, etc. & if anyone has talked to an attorney about this.
A lawyer lives across the street from me that handles these Round Up cases. I contacted him because I was an avid gardener until my MS drove me inside 3 yrs. ago. He said my doctors had to prove a connection between my PV and Round Up. The docs here didn’t seem to be willing to say that and that have to be willing to convince a jury! Class action suits the lawyers are the ones that usually gets the big bucks. I wanted to file my own lawsuit because if Round Up did cause this, they should pay big time to the people they damaged! I used that product almost weekly in the Spring and Summer. I don’t have proof it caused my PV, but I do wonder!
I’m also interested in this as I have been told in the past 4yrs that I am no longer able to handle potting mixes. I’m also in Australia so I would like to know if there is any relevant information on the lawsuit that could help me.
It really sounds suspicious that it did, doesn’t it! You would be getting nowhere in trying to get your doctors to help you. In fact, just to bring it up would cause them to change the subject so quickly, it would make your head spin. They avoid anything smelling of a lawsuit like a lightning strike, because it requires too much work and too little reimbursement for THEM. Of course, in a class action suit, that wouldn’t be for you to worry about. They can convince doctors if the return is to their benefit. Lol🤨
Here's the class action questionnaire to see if someone qualifies: number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)&aid(Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators)&keyword=roundup%20lawsuit&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6cKiBhD5ARIsAKXUdyboL3knhz0CCQwqiptszI8DM9tl0k-JMRSCghFamq5SdIuRZY4kprkaAn_ZEALw_wcB
Has There Been A Discussion About Possible Connections Between Alzheimer's And MPNs? (I Stumbled Across The Article Below Earlier Today.)
Why Are Doctors So Reluctant To Use The Word Cancer In MPNs Or To Dismiss Quality Of Of Life Impact?
Effect Intermitted And Longer Fasting On MPN