Does Anyone Here Know If JAK2 Inhibitor Meds Work If You Are JAK2 Negative? Just Curious...I'll Ask My Doc Next Visit As Well.
Hi IrishHiker!
This study below gives a nice explanation regarding JAK inhibitors in myeloproliferative neoplasms 👇
You do not need to have a JAK-positive MPN for JAK inhibitors to be useful.
Best regards,
I have MF with negative Jak2. I take Jakafi. Goal is to decrease my spleen size. I will not know if working till after six months. I'm about to enter my 5th month this month (Aug)
May all be well!
Thank you
Anyone With Familial MPN? My 27 Y/o Was Just Diagnosed With ET Nearly One Year After Me, 52 Y/o.
Need Some More Feedback, I'm 63 And Extremely Healthy But This Lousy ET Has Me Fuming.
Has Everyone Who's Been Diagnose With An MPN Had A Bone Marrow Biopsy Done?