Who Has Gotten Financial Assistance In The US For Pegasys, Where Did It Come From, And What Was/is Your Co-pay Amount?
I have ET, and Dr. has prescribed Pegasys now. I have a Medicare supplement. Prescription was approved by them, but my co-pay without assistance is $369 for 1 week!
Ask the specialty pharmacy supplying the medication about sources of grants. Also call the manufacturer who has support help. For medicare part D prescriptions, the maximum out of pocket cost for specialty drugs I believe, is around $3500 for 2024.. This isn't nothing but it is less than $10,000 to $15,000 annual copays.
Hi Myrna, I have primary Myelofibrosis and take Jakafi 10 mg twice a day. My doctor connected me to their specialty pharmacy and I am under a grant which pays the entire amount and I have no co-pay. The medication would’ve cost $10,000 a month and my co-pay would be around $4,000.. I am not sure how long the grant will last, but I have been taking it for around seven months.
The pharmacy got it done, and I will have no co-pay! Don't know for how long, but at least I can get started. I'm so thankful, and I appreciate all your responses.
Usually the grant is for a specific amount so you can ask the pharmacy how long it will last. Many funding groups limit your adjusted gross income to 5X the federal poverty level. I think if your household AGI is under $102000 you can be considered for a grant. Incyte the manufacturer of jakafi lowered their limit to 3X the federal poverty Level so fewer people will be approved for their grant. And they raised the cash price of jakafi to I believe $18000 per month. With insurance, copays can be $1500 per month which most people have trouble paying.
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