How Painful Is A Bmb And How Do You Feel Afterward?
I am scheduled for bone marrow biopsy next week. I am nervous about the pain and how long it will take to be pain free.
My bone marrow biopsy was not a walk in the park but was not horrible at all it’s only fear because it’s something you are unfamiliar with
Just try to relax trust that the doctor knows what they are doing and it will be over in a very short period! Bless you!
No pain for me. They put me almost out.
Hi Carol, I’ll hold your hand if you hold mine. I go for mine on Monday, feeling all the same anxieties you are. Hearing many reassuring posts that it isn’t that bad. Let’s hope we both get compassionate treatment. My next hurdle after will be waiting for the results. Wishing you the best.
My BMB was CT guided and I had conscious sedation. Some discomfort, but really not that bad. I didn't have any pain afterwards. Was told to take it easy for the rest of the day, but was able to swim again the next day. Waiting for results is the toughest part. Good luck. I hope they'll give you some form of sedation to help.
Hi, Carol. I had a BMB last September. I was very anxious. As it turned out, it was done very well, with a minimum of pain. There was no residual pain. I will keep you in my heart and prayers.
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