Hi Everyone! I Have PV And My Feet Get Overheated And Uncomfortable Especially At Night…I Was Wondering If Anyone Else Goes Through This?
It keeps me up at night and I find myself spraying water on them just to fall back to sleep. They also get very red. 😕
Erythromelalgia? Mine occurred last winter, going from cold to hot temp changes. Cool lotion and sleeping with my feet uncovered helped.
Tina, my feet and hands are always cold as well!
My feet are almost always cold...
I do take aspirin but unfortunately it hasn’t helped as of yet. But thank you for responding.
Patricia, I too suffered with what i call "Hot Feet" and pins and needles to go with it. For me once I started daily aspirin it 90% went away. Wondering if your on aspirin. I also had it in my hands too.
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