Red Blood Cells Slightly Below Normal My Last Two Labs, Now Showing Agglutination And Ovalocytes? Am I Moving From PV To Myelofibrosis?
Hmmm, thanks for that. I would guess I am technically a bit anemic, as my rbc’s have been below normal the last couple of months. Having gone from ET to PV last year I feel a bit unsafe in my body. 🙄
MH, I think ovalocytes are oval erythrocytes(red blood cells). I believe can be caused by iron deficiency anemia. But please ask your hematologist mpn specialist about it.
My Oncologist has me skipping Hydrea on the weekends because of low RBC. I am also deficient in Iron. I hope this works because I get so tired and short of breath.
I know hydrea can lower your hemoglobin iron level which is made by red blood cells not sure what your iron level is or if this is if any help? My Hematologist backed me off from taking it on the weekends hyrea because she didn't want my other blood levels to go out of range, my iron level came up and the other labs all in ok range.
Thank you, I’ve had those large cells for years, too, and been told they were “normal” with my Et and hydrea. My rbc’s have never been low before, tho, then the agglutination and ovalocytes, which are new this last lab. Wondering what is in store for me.
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Hydroxyurea And Increase In RDW (red Cell Distribution Width)