Can You Get An MPN Through A Blood Transfusion?
Since I can no longer donate blood because of this is it possible someone who doesn't know they have a MPN pass it along?
I don’t believe MPN’s can be “caught” from other people, and if they could be the folks handling blood donations would be screening for them.
That said, I donated blood regularly pre-diagnosis, and had been told for years after the pre-screening at the Red Cross that my Hgb and Hct ran a little high and could be indicative of a serious blood disorder.
I suspect my regular donations delayed the event (pulmonary embolisms) that led to my diagnosis.
Is Anyone Else Participating In The Study Being Done By Dr. Angela Fleischman Out Of UC Irvine About Nutrition Or Familial MPNs?
My Platelet Count Suddenly Jumped From 450 To 650 In A 3 Month Time Period. Dr. Cannot Account For It, Just Wait & See. Anyone Have Ideas?
Polycythemia: Memory Issues