My Son Was Diagnosed With ET Yesterday. My Husband Has PV. Anyone Else Have A Child Along With Yourself With Blood Cancer.
Dr told our son that it was a blood disease and not cancer. Anyone else have this experience?
Hello, Cluebbers. When I was first diagnosed with PV, I was told it was a blood I discovered it myself when I noticed I had small abnormal red cells -blast on my lab tests. I'm so sorry your son has this. I told my adult sons to let their PCP's know about my Post PV Myelofibrosis.
Effects On The Body For Delayed Diagnoses For MPNs/ET
Diagnosed With ET Taking 1000 Mg Four Times A Week And 1500 Mg Three Times A Week. Is There Another Solution For Treatment.
What’s The Best Way To Share You Have An MPN? Cancer Is A Terrifying Proposition