Hydroxyurea And Increase In RDW (red Cell Distribution Width)
I have ET and I’ve been on hydroxurea (1000 mg per day) since Mid-June of 2021 and just got my first monthly blood analysis results. My platelets have dropped from over 850+ down to 451 (still above normal, but a dramatic drop for me!) Everything else looks good except now my RDW (red cell distribution width) number is high - I jumped from 13 to 15.4! It appears that this may be a side effect of hydroxyurea, and I may need to increase my vitamin B-12 intake to see if it helps to reduce it …or… read more
Thanks for your perspective, Barbara. (I think brain fog might be my new normal-haha!) But seriously, my MD believes my iron levels are currently ok, but suggested I take a women’s regular daily multivitamin to boost my B12 & D intake. He will include a review of a handful of vitamin levels plus FE at my next blood analysis to confirm any deficiencies.
I had a small increase and my Doctor said that's how they know I am taking the Hydroxy. So there must be an affect. Going for blood work every three months.
I have PV and my Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW) has been high for several years. I do not take HU, yet, just phlebotomy. However, when I had iron studies and a bone marrow done summer 2020, they found my iron and Ferritin low and iron stores in BM depleted. I have been on iron since then and RDW is coming down. I have read that low iron can cause brain fog, too. Hope this info helps.
I'd ask your doc. My RDW has been high ranging from 16%--24.6% My JAK2 V617F were confirmed from blood draw on 7/11/2019; and because of other lab results from that draw was then put on HU and Aspirin. So my RDW was high prior to ever going on HU.
My hematology oncologist is aware and watchful. Told me that’s why I have monthly bloodwork and he sees me every 3 months.
Does Anyone Take Supplements That Help Lower Platelets? Thanks
Can Anyone Share How They Responded To Interferon Or Other Treatments To Lower Their Platelets?
Tired All The Time And No Energy With PV