Anyone Know If VitD K2 Mct Oil Is Safe For Myeloproliferative Disorder/ Polycythemia/jak2 Marker? It Was Recommended To Me Yesterday.
The answer to this question is a nuanced "It depends." The answer would be different based on each individual's profile.
I would not suggest taking any vitamin/mineral supplement unless there is a measure need. I take supplements for magnesium, Vit D, and Vit B/folate due to a measured deficiency in each. While the Vit B may increase production of RBCs, deficiency in the Vit B complex can have very significant adverse effects. I am taking a titrated dose based on my response to the supplements. I am also doing this in consultation with an Integrative Medicine doctor and my MPn care team.
Suggest consulting with your MPn care team and an Integrative or Functional medicine doctor. It is best to get expert input into this issue. Meanwhile, here is a bit of information that may help.
Thank you so much,!
Polycythemia: Memory Issues
Does Anyone Here Know If JAK2 Inhibitor Meds Work If You Are JAK2 Negative? Just Curious...I'll Ask My Doc Next Visit As Well.
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