My Face Feels Hot...
Sometimes I feel my head and face getting hot. I wonder if other people with ET like me feel this way? Or is this a symptom of another disease?
Good discussion, everybody. So many nuances of our MPNs spill over into so many other conditions. That is why this group is so important as we bounce our own experiences off each other. In the process, we often gain important points to bring up in our next meeting with our medical team.
Facial erythema can be a symptom of ET. Hard to say if that it what you are experiencing but it is certainly possible.
Hello JaneMaiHuong,
Your issue could certainly be a symptom of menopause. But night (and day) sweats are also a symptom of ET for some people, including me. I'm well past menopause, and I've been off hydroxyurea for close to two years, so I'm pretty sure that my issue with heat and sweat on my face, head, and neck is caused by my ET. You might want to read this article:
Good luck!
I've found a couple of easy ways to cool down: (1) I keep a battery-operated fan neary, and (2) I put a cold, wet washcloth on a saucer on my nightstand at night. A friend of mine uses a wrist cooling device for hot flashes.
Good luck!
Thanks MaryAnnYoung. I am 49 years old and this hot flashes and facial flushing is probably menopause. Thank you so much. I feel better knowing this.
For Anyone With ET / JAK2+.....When You Get Hot Does Your Face Turn Beet Red?
Women And Especially MEN, Have You Lost Your Hair Taking Hydroxyurea, I Read All Hair On Your Body Can Fall Out Including Eyebrows, Etc.
Does Anyone Else Get Itchy Skin Through The Day