Hello Everyone... Does Anyone Here Takes Any Alternative Treatment Like Herbal Treatment. Like If Anyone Following Different Approach???
I use a combination of complementary health supplements as well as using Besremi to treat the PV. My list includes:
Anti-inflammatory - Turmeric/Curcumin, L-Glutathione, SPM Active
Liver protection/manage LFT elevation from Besremi - Milk Thistle Extract
Immune system boost/manage leukopenia from Besremi - Reishi, Astragalus
Nutritional deficiencies - Vit D, Magnesium, Vit B/folate
All of the above is done in consultation with my Integrative Medicine doctor and the rest of my care team.
Hi Deepak - while not discounting unyet discovered herbal influences on MPNs, in the words of Tim Minchin "if alternative medicine worked it would be called medicine". That's not to say that things cannot help but you should discuss with your physician before jumping in too far. For example, many anti-inflammetory supplements like turmeric etc, can lead to increased risk of bleeding for people on anticoagulents and aspirin. I tend to look toward a mediterranean diet to reduce the impact of the MPN (I have PMF) and am controlling other things with exercise, healthy lifestyle, and no alcohol. As for any supplements having a curative effect - I am placing my faith in science. Having said all that, every journey is different and this is a relatively new field. So if you find something that work for you , please share.
Hi Depak. Yes, I take medicinal Mushroom powders, Berberine which helps Jak inhibitors work better and Cannabis oil. I saw an MPN specialist in Irvine and she thought the same thing BC was taking about, that for some reason., even though I said they were only a quality of life thing. Next thing I know she’s nattering on about mushrooms being curative to get a chuckle out of an audience full of doctors.
On the contrary, I’m doing so well, my Drs at MD Anderson don’t even want to hear from me. I’ll be happy to elaborate if you have any interest.
I applaud you for doing for yourself what is good for you! None of us respond the same as another to the same product, supplement, treatment, dosage, etc.
We are all different and there is no one size fits all; Although, I would wish it so often times.
Deepak, are you in Delhi near Turlock? Who is your MPN specialist? I am also looking for EVERYTHING natural to manage this MPN and be healthy! My husband is a Functional Medicine Practitioner in Turlock but this condition is out of his wheelhouse (for now), he is researching and looking for other options.
Which Jak2mutation Is Considered To Be More Aggressive.
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