What Are People Paying For Jakafi
I am on Medicare and Medicare Drug Plan, using AARP, I was just thinking about going to Jakafi and the price I am being quoted is around 2900.00 per month for 10Mg twice a day. Just curious what the real cost is. I can go to my Cancer Center and ask them to try for a better price, still won't know what the price should be.
I am a veteran so I get my Jakafi through the va. It cost me $11 a month
You definitely have to be at a certain income level for most drugs but you also can get coupons for big dollars off on the manufacturer websites.
I am finding that it would be once I reach a certain level in out of packet that can very from one insurance to the next but seems most are smartcard at about $4500.00 Then it drops to 25% of the cost for the year.. The other option is to change to a better insurance this fall that covers the Jakafi better. If the foundations have funds available, sometimes they run out and have to reapply, and those funds fit your diagnosis, you can get the Co-Pay paid for, if you are above a certain Poverty level which in most cases is about 91K a year. I talked to 3 different Foundations.
When I started taking Jakafi 5 years ago it was $18,000 a month, PAN Foundation paid for everything. the important catch with any funding is to make sure you are up to date with your grant money. PAN foundation always sends notices regarding getting close to reapplying for another grant and their website is wonderful. Incyte makes Jakafi and they too have a program for financial assistance. I always had a Medicare advantage plan so assistance is easier. Now oral chemo is covered under regular tier levels like other medications which has brought the cost down considerably. When I started on it, it arrived a plastic bottle of (Jakafi ) came in a small THICK Styrofoam cooler with frozen ice packs around the bottle. Now, even in the 110 degrees it comes in a small brown box and is left at my front door in the shade..Times are changing.
Thank you
What Is After Jakavi In Myelofibrosis???
Anyone Taking Pegylated Interferon For An MPN And If So How Bad And How Long Did The Side Effects Last?
I'm 34 Having Myelofibrosis Grade 2. I'm On Jakavi 20 Mg For 6 Months. Initially It Was Good But Now My Platelets Are Rising Again At 700000